Monday 22 February 2010

Temporary Leave

Dear 1.3 readers,
I've just packed my things, and unpacked my things, and strews them all across a should-be-shiny parquet floor at my new house right across the Erasmus bridge.
Pictures to come, the view is amazing.
I've got no internet, dear .3 of a reader, I've got none, dear 1. Well I do, since I'm writing now, but it's so bad, so awful it took me 20 minutes of refreshing to get here. Thus, I'm pausing.
Weird thing is, this is Holland. A new age European country and yet it takes 3 weeks longer to get a good internet connection here than in South Africa, where I can call the service and while I'm speaking I'm being connected. Sure, the connection here will be much better than there but, really?
But it's got its good points too. I have no excuse to not go out and find things.
I'm going to go find things.
See you shortly.

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