Friday, 30 April 2010

Time for some change

For some time now I've started to realise I don't like who I am, not entirely anyway.
I like the music I listen to, and I like the clothes I like (but not necessarily the clothes I have).
But I don't like that I can't say what I want to say, or do what I want to do. I wait and I think about it, weigh out the odds and evens and then decide never to do it, or never to say it, no matter how much I want to. I guess you could call it being shy. I say it's stupid.
And I don't like smoking up anymore. I think I'm done with that.
And I don't want to smoke anymore. I think I'm done with that.

I don't like that I don't accept what I have, or don't have. I don't really have money, but it shouldn't matter. I'll never be really pretty, but that's okay, since some people don't only judge you (or in this case, me) on that. I'll never be tall. I'll always have really small feet. I'm quite good at maths. I'm okay in art. I love to read books, but I don't all the time because I'm really lazy.
I watch documentaries and weird, girly shows. I can't eat a sandwich without salad in it.
I get really paranoid about people.

This was more of a self-therapy session. 

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